The Girl with the Green Eyes

The Girl with the Green Eyes

When eight-year-old Mara finds a mysterious young woman in the lake behind her house, she believes her to be the Boezehappert, a mythical Dutch water spirit who has come to save her and her siblings from the terrifying monster that lives in their house.


Details & Storyline
  • The story of this film-to-be will focus on fantastical beings in the shadows, a mysterious red door and the so-called ‘Boezehappert’, a mythical Dutch water spirit Mara meets in the lake behind their house. The story includes horrible real-life issues, but is filled with childlike wonder and the faith in all things magical.

    Mara's story is not an easy one to tell, but writer and director Yfke van Berckelaer definitely has a gift to transform this dark and heart-breaking story into a wondrous tale. You can best describe this feature as a dark fairytale with magical realism.

    The Girl with the Green Eyes is currently in artistic development and got selected as part of the European Genre Forum 2023. Both director Yfke van Berckelaer and producer Monique van Kessel visited Zagreb, Amsterdam and Tallinn as part of EGF and pitched the film at Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival in November 2023.

    The film was pitched during the Frontières Platform Proof of Concept presentation at Festival de Cannes in May 2024. It also got selected for the Network of Asian Fantastic Films (NAFF) Project Market at Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival (Bifan) in the summer of 2024.


    The film received scenario & artistic development funding by The Netherlands Film Fund.


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    Contact details

    Make Way Film B.V.
    Vlaardingweg 62 (room 4.48)
    3044 CK Rotterdam
    The Netherlands
    +31 (0)6-15829249